What is your refund policy?
Instead of returning items, you can contact us for a full refund. Why? Returns run counter to our effort towards more sustainability, and every return has a carbon footprint. So just tell us what went wrong once you receive your item, send along a picture of the defect, and we will refund you your money back in full. Then, if possible, you can donate your item to a local charity or nonprofit. If over 15 days have gone by since you have received your item(s), unfortunately we cannot offer you a refund/return.
We are not responsible for our pieces not fitting properly on our customers once they arrive. There are size charts in the descriptions of all of the clothing pieces listed on our website. We only send refunds if there are any defects on the items once they’re received. Returns/refunds are not allowed for incorrect sizing or just because the item did not meet your expectation.
We offer refunds for parcels that get lost while in transit. If your parcel was marked “delivered” on the tracking website but you have not received it, please file an investigation with your post office immediately. If the tracking information for your order says that it has been delivered, we are not responsible for a refund if you haven’t received your item. We will do our best to try to relocate your parcel, but ultimately it is the post office’s job to ensure you receive your parcel.
What if I entered in the wrong address?
We will only be able to change your address before your order has shipped, so contact us as soon as possible if you’d like to have it switched.
What if I want to cancel my order?
Order cancellations will only be accepted before your order has shipped. If you’d like to cancel your order, you can contact us here.